it's a story. . .
Keera Keera is how we hawks wish you a good morning! My name is Kaze. I am the Wind! The very first time I felt May cool and June warm winds nestled in a glade of my pin oak tree I knew I was home sweet home! From my very first sunrise kiss to my very first firefly twilight I dreamed of C L O U D Kisses for so, So, SO long! I love the "moving trees" (the people we shared our meadow with) who taught me how to sun dance among them as I found a little sun spotlight to lay down in among them all! For fun I rain danced with my little brother, Sora! And I sometimes repeat nice nice words twice twice because sometimes it's more fun fun to always have more fun! I guess! And...I always knew there was everyday magic when the wind called to me! I lifted my wings wishing for my C L O U D Kisses...Now watch very fast-fast cause I'll be that breeze that brushes your face before summer's rise to autunn's fall and throughout our winter's tale! I'm Kaze the Wind the fastest urban hawk in the park of all! So best wishes for Cloud kisses on your noses! Fua Fua! love, Kaze"
I'm Kaze's little brother, Sora!
Click me to see more me!