The “Wind” & The “Sky”


In a nest

Inside a sunrise kiss

Beneath a morning moon in May…


The Wind & the Sky



Nestled in a nest in a glade

On a baby green and very, cherry pink

baby-fresh day


In the most Central of parks

In the world’s “front & backyard”


baby hawks grew…


  g     r     e      w

“jee” “are” “Ee” “Double-You!”



 G     R    E    W


The “Wind”

Kaze (Ka-Zay)


and          in            this              glade


The “Sky”

Sora (So-Ra)


And in this park very, “Central”

As April cried and stepped aside

In the only true red tail tree nest in Central Park

in so, So, SO long-upon-a-time…


Kaze & Sora


and listened…

to us!


The Wind & the Sky

learned to fly

as we laughed in a meadow for sheep…


And as eyasses lived in this big city park

in this very cherry-pink spring and baby-green glade

of the “world’s front & backyard”


Baby hawk’s nest wishes

nestled in a glade

dreams of flying one day

with cloud kisses


cloud kisses on the nose

beneath a morning moon in May.



My Magic

Movie: Ch. 2  The "Wind" & The "Sky"