B r a n c h i n g Out


With mother’s kisses to share

before summer’s rise

to autumn’s fall

and now throughout our winter’s tale…


In May we begin

and so we may begin…


Sora: Nestled in a glade neither large, nor small, yet small enough

for a crooked oak tree neither small, nor tall…


Home, sweet, home for eyasses



May 26 - June 14, 2014

Kaze & Sora are 4 - 6 weeks old…



First flights to C L O U D kisses begins

with their father’s flight-wishes



“You won’t fail, I won’t let you

You can’t fall, because I’ll catch you”



Kaze’s first flight to C L O U D kisses

nestled in a glade…

must first R  E  A  C  H out to the branches…



Within a crooked oak tree with her father’s flight-wishes

Kaze’s wings are wind-ready


Now from this tree of crooked oak

Within a crooked oak tree


2nd “step” to C L O U D kisses


Inside a nest in a glade

In a meadow for sheep

Kaze’s wings are now made!


Kaze’s wings are now made Wind-ready

tested and approved on the Sky’s-head


Not quite to the clouds

not quite


No, not so quite yet…


Nestled amidst a big city park in a meadow for sheep…

Among the glades of oak neither large, nor small

and above his crooked oak tree

neither small, nor tall…


Sora’s sky seemed closer to his kisses from C L O U D S


C L O U D S seemed closer

If balance was better

But C L O U D S, like mother’s kisses

must be earned…


and kisses,

like C L O U D S

are worth earning!




Second Steps


So Small



Not Tall


And mostly altogether: Balance must be Mastered


Kaze is first

to fly out among the branches beyond her tree nest,

beyond her oak tree…


And second-step sideways on branches

is easy in a big city park,

for a big city hawk


Super easy for Kaze

when wings-to-winds-whisper-one-wish: To Trust Herself!!


She trusts herself to stand tall on the branches…


Not quite to the C L O U D S

not quite…


Yet! Further she goes in her meadow for sheep

branching out in her glade…


the wind blows


Standing Tall


the wind blows


Kaze knows that trusting herself

is the bestest-best-wind-wishes



Sora Must Master Balance In Home, Sweet, Home


Sora’s sky begins with a:

jump! step!! flap!!! flop!!!!


He’s not quite to the clouds

no, not quite


not quite…




Further away are our eyasses

branching out

yet, nestled still in their glade…


May-cool and June-warm winds

blow through crooked little leaves of oak

between firefly twilight and a sunrise kiss

in a cozy nest neither too large, nor too small

for two eyasses turned fledglings awaiting the sky & the wind


From a crooked little tree

not too small, nor too tall

a mere 30 feet high and not a whisper-thin more...

the wind branched out and she branched out some more


and the sky came closer to his C L O U D S and his kisses

in a big city park

the sky and the wind became urban hawks







Movie: Ch. 4  b r a n c h i n g Out